Thursday 18 March, 2021

Quote of the Day

“If Marxist revolutionaries ever seized power in the United States, the could nationalise Amazon and call it a day.”

  • Franklin Foer, in The Atlantic

H/T to Alina Utrata

Musical alternative to the morning’s radio news

Ry Cooder and David Linley | Sí Bheag, Sí Mhor | Vienna Opera House


A real discovery this (for me, anyway). The pair take on an ancient Irish tune.

Long Read of the Day

What comes after Zoom fatigue?

You know the answer: more Zoom. But this is an interesting exploration of why it makes us exhausted.

‘Global Britain’ is happy to do business with human-rights violators

From the Huffington Post:

Dominic Raab has told officials in a leaked video call that Britain will seek trade deals with countries around the world that violate international standards on human rights.

The foreign secretary told staff in his department that only trading with countries that meet European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) standards would mean the UK missing out on trade with future “growth markets”.

In a question and answer session with Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) staff, a recording of which has been heard by HuffPost UK, Raab said: “I squarely believe we ought to be trading liberally around the world.

“If we restrict it to countries with ECHR-level standards of human rights, we’re not going to do many trade deals with the growth markets of the future.”

So, within Europe, who might these new trade partners be?

Source: Statista

It will, of course, also be imperative to strike a big trade deal with China. And of course Saudi Arabia.

And while we’re on the subject of China, the Economist points out in a sobering assessment that it’s not just states that are afraid of annoying the Chinese Communist Party.

You might think the death of liberalism in Asia’s financial centre, which hosts $10trn of cross-border investments, would trigger panic, capital flight and a business exodus. Instead Hong Kong is enjoying a financial boom. Share offerings have soared as China’s leading companies list there. Western firms are in the thick of it: the top underwriters are Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. Last year, the value of us dollar payments cleared in Hong Kong, a hub for the world’s reserve currency, hit a record $11trn.

The same pattern of political oppression and commercial effervescence is to be found on the mainland. In 2020 China abused human rights in Xinjiang, waged cyber-warfare, threatened its neighbours and intensified the cult of personality surrounding President Xi Jinping. Another purge is under way. Yet when they talk to shareholders about China, global firms gloss over this brutal reality: “Very happy,” says Siemens; “Phenomenal,” reckons Apple; and “Remarkable,” says Starbucks. Mainland China attracted $163bn of fresh multinational investment last year, more than any other country. It is opening the mainland capital markets to foreigners, who have invested $900bn, in a landmark shift for global finance.

The West has no way of boycotting the Chinese regime into submission.

In the short run, if forced to take sides, many countries might choose China over the West. After all, China is the largest goods trading partner of 64 countries, against just 38 for America. Instead of isolating China, America and its allies could end up isolating themselves. In the long run, unlike the oil-soaked Soviet Union, China is big, diverse and innovative enough to adapt to outside pressure. It is testing a digital currency, which could eventually rival the dollar as a way to settle trade. It aims to be self-sufficient in semiconductors.

We’re back in a bi-polar world, in other words, and this time the West doesn’t look in great shape.

How to avoid being live-streamed without your consent

It’s well-known in some circles that if you don’t want your photograph spread all over social media, then arrange to have a t-shirt printed with an image copyrighted by a small number of powerful media firms like Getty, ideally with “© Getty Images” also prominently displayed. This will ensure that it’ll be taken down automatically by the automated IP-infringement detection algorithms used by the companies.

But now there’s an ingenious adaptation of this trick — this time by American police forces who want to make sure that live-videos of them abusing protestors and other awkward customers do not get streamed live by social media companies. Vice has an interesting story about how police officers in Beverly Hills have been playing music while being filmed, seemingly in an effort to trigger Instagram’s copyright filters.

Last Friday, a man entered the Beverly Hills police department, only to be treated to a mini DJ set that could potentially get his Instagram account banned.

Sennett Devermont was at the department to file a form to obtain body camera footage from an incident in which he received a ticket he felt was unfair. Devermont also happens to be a well-known LA area activist, who regularly live-streams protests and interactions with the police to his more than 300,000 followers on Instagram.

So, he streamed this visit as well—and that’s when things got weird.

In a video posted on his Instagram account, we see a mostly cordial conversation between Devermont and BHPD Sgt. Billy Fair turn a corner when Fair becomes upset that Devermont is live-streaming the interaction, including showing work contact information for another officer. Fair asks how many people are watching, to which Devermont replies, “Enough.”

Fair then stops answering questions, pulls out his phone, and starts silently swiping around — and that’s when the ska music starts playing.

Fair boosts the volume, and continues staring at his phone. For nearly a full minute, Fair is silent, and only starts speaking after we’re a good way through Sublime’s “Santeria.”

The officer is banking on Instagram’s copyright algorithm detecting the music, and either ending the live stream outright or muting it.

Or, continues Vice

even if the algorithm does not detect the song immediately, someone — for example, a disgruntled police officer—could simply wait until a user posts an archive of the live video on their page, then file a complaint with Instagram that it contains copyrighted material.

What this suggests, among other things, is that surveillance capitalist companies are more assiduous about protecting the IP of large media corporations than they are about, say, controlling hate speech on their platforms. Maybe their excuse is that IP-infringing content is easier to spot.

Cash for Clunkers

Joe Biden is preparing a major new infrastructure bill for renewing America’s crumbling roads, bridges, etc. According to The Verge Chuck Schumer, the Senate Majority Leader, is straining at the leash to switch the citizenry from gas-guzzlers to EVs.

As part of that package, Schumer said he plans to include his ambitious proposal to get every American to swap their gas-guzzling car for an electric one.

“It’s a bold new plan designed to accelerate America’s transition to all electric vehicles on the road, to developing a charging infrastructure, and to grow American jobs through clean manufacturing,” Schumer told The Verge in a brief interview this week. “And the ultimate goal is to have every car manufactured in America be electric by 2030, and every car on the road be clean by 2040.”

Similarly ambitious plans are being touted by governments everywhere. But what nobody seems to be talking about (yet) is what is to be done about the Everests of scrapped petrol and diesel cars that this transition will produce? For various reasons I had to drive around town today. And all I saw were diesel and petrol-fuelled vehicles. The only EV in town was the one I was driving. Maybe this is why Elon Musk is so obsessed with Mars. He sees it as an ideal place to dump the scrapped detritus of the transition to electric vehicles.

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Wednesday 17 March, 2021

Memories of a monochrome Summer

The Orchard, Grantchester

Quote of the Day

”I never dared be radical when young
For fear it would make me conservative when old.”

  • Robert Frost

Musical alternative to the morning’s radio news

B B King & Eric Clapton – Riding With The King


Long Read of the Day

Thoughts on 2050 and beyond

Great essay by Martin Rees, one of the wisest people I know. Famously, he also only gives us a 50% chance of making it into the next century — though that sobering thought isn’t mentioned in this essay. Link

Uber bows to reality sort-of (in UK, anyway).

There’s good news and bad news in this CNN report. On the plus side, the company has bowed to the inevitable and reclassified all of its 70,000 UK drivers.

Uber is reclassifying its 70,000 drivers in the United Kingdom after the UK Supreme Court upheld a ruling last month that they should be classified as workers and not independent contractors.

The company said Tuesday that as “workers” — a classification unique to employment law in the UK that falls short of “employee” — drivers will be entitled to minimum wage, vacation time, and a pension. Uber did not apply the changes to its Uber Eats food delivery workers, only ridehail drivers.

But… (there’s always a but with companies like this)

Uber said the minimum wage will be based on engaged time after a trip is accepted and after expenses — a definition that received push back from drivers on Wednesday. The court determined last month that drivers are working from the time they turn on Uber’s app, rather than only when transporting passengers as the company has argued.

This looks as though Uber isn’t complying with the Court’s judgment. Not a wise move IMO.

Uber’s policy changes following the ruling mean that “drivers will be still short-changed to the tune of 40-50%,” Yaseen Aslam and James Farrar, the former drivers who led the legal action against Uber, said in a statement. “While Uber undoubtedly has made progress here, we cannot accept anything less than full compliance with legal minimums,” they added.

Tulips to Tesla | Scott Galloway on booms and busts

Scott is always good value, and this week’s post is no exception.

Financial crises have many causes, but generally they boil down to a few key elements:

  • easy money
  • poor regulation
  • consensual hallucination that the market always goes up

The crisis is preceded by a cocaine-fueled party, where everything and everyone looks and is great. The party creates an asset bubble — a wave of optimism that lifts prices well above levels warranted by fundamentals — ending in a crash. The first documented asset bubble was the Dutch tulip mania in 1636, when speculation drove the value of the rarest tulips to six times the average salary at the time.

His point is that what he calls “story stocks” are the new tulips de nos jours. And the trading app Robinhood is the E-Trade of our age.

I was very struck by this chart which suggests a close correlation between the number of Robinoood users holding Tesla shares and the Tesla share price. (Tesla being a classic ‘story stock’.).

His recommendation: if you want to know what the Tesla share price will do next, check out how many Robinhood users have joined the service.

And yes we are currently in a crazy asset-bubble.

Another, hopefully interesting, link

  • Yo-Yo Ma plays cello in vaccine waiting room in Massachusetts Lovely. Link

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Tuesday 16 March, 2021

Russia at the heart of British government

This comes to you fresh from the you-couldn’t-make-it-up department.

A Russian-owned company played a key role in the £2.6m renovation of No.9 Downing Street in an undisclosed contract to get it ready for White House-style televised media briefings, a source has told HuffPost UK.

According to the source, Megahertz carried out crucial work, including installing computers, cameras, microphones and a control desk, to get the building ready for briefings from Boris Johnson’s press secretary Allegra Stratton.

In 2013, Megahertz was bought by the UK arm of Okno-TV – a Moscow-based firm that has carried out technical work for state-controlled broadcasters Russia Today, Channel One, and Public Television of Russia.

Most of Megahertz’s current shareholders are either current or former workers at the Russian firm, according to Companies House.

That’s the great thing about sovereignty: you can do your own thing without being shackled by Brussels red tape about competitive tendering and so on. I mean to say, under those old Brussels rules the UK would have had to put the job out to tender. And when Huawei came in with the lowest bid, they’d have to get the job, backdoor and all.

What’s going on with the AstraZeneca vaccine?

The Financial Times today reports that Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands suspended all use of the jab on Monday. They all described their actions as ‘precautionary’. At the same time the UK is steaming ahead with the vaccine.

The reason for the suspension seems to be a smallish number of people who suffered blood clots after having the jab. In Austria one person, under the age 50, was reported to have died with blood clots after receiving the shot. Denmark, Iceland and Norway halted AstraZeneca vaccinations altogether last week after further so-called thromboembolic events, including the death of one woman in Denmark. One Norwegian health worker has died and two have been hospitalised with what health authorities there called “rare clinical pictures” after taking the vaccine. Their symptoms included severe blood clots in both large and small blood vessels, low platelet counts and bleeding. Dutch authorities said 10 cases of problems, including possible thrombosis or embolisms, had been reported by people who had received the jab. Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands, suspended all use of the shot on Monday.

These are all serious side-effects, obviously, but it seemed to me to be a surprising over-reaction, given the numbers of people who have already (like me) had the jab. But then, I’m no expert. On the other hand, a real expert — Penelope Ward, Penelope Ward, a professor of pharmaceutical medicine at King’s College London — who has reviewed data collected by the UK medicines regulator, told the FT that “the number of reports of blood clots among recipients of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine was still comparatively low”. In the UK, she went on,

“about 165 people a day might suffer a thrombotic episode, some of which will be fatal. In contrast, the number of reports from the ongoing vaccine programme in the UK and EU, which includes 20m individuals vaccinated to date, is just 37. By chance alone, at least 15,000 such events might have been expected from a population of that size.”

In a way, therefore, one could argue that the AstraZeneca vaccine has already had the biggest public study there’s ever been. So what’s going on in the EU?

Seeking enlightenment, I phoned a Dutch friend who has high-level experience of policy-making in the Netherlands. His view was that the decisions should be seen in the context of higher levels of vaccine hesitation and suspicion in Continental countries, together with the proliferation of anti-vaxx conspiracy theories and misinformation on social media and — not least — the fact that there’s a Dutch general election on March 17 in which there’s a serious prospect that a right-wing opposition populist party might come out on top.

In these circumstances, he argued, even if most public-health authorities actual believe that the AstraZeneca vaccine is safe, they think it would be dangerously counter-productive to appear to discount the side-effects issue out of hand. The days are over when a government minister or a senior medic in a white coat would get away with declaring that there was nothing much to worry about. (Which, in a way, is what British health authorities did those years ago when the dodgy claims about the MMR vaccine first surfaced.) In an age of social media, distrust of experts and erosion of deference taking such a stance would be wilfully counter-productive. Far better to be seen to be taking the doubts seriously, to await further examination and more data . In other words: be seen to be “putting public safety first”.

That sounds like a plausible argument to me. And, in a way, it’s corroborated By Derek Lowe, writing in Science Translational Medicine the other day.

It’s a mess. And it’s a mess that leads us right into the third problem, which is public confidence. The AZ/Oxford vaccine has been in trouble there since the day the first data came out. The efficacy numbers looked lower than the other vaccines that had reported by then, and as mentioned, the presentation of the data was really poorly handled and continued to be so for weeks. Now with these dosing suspensions, I have to wonder if this vaccine is ever going to lose the dark cloud it’s currently sitting under. Even if EU countries start dosing again in a few days, what are people going to think? And this fear and uncertainty can spill over into hesitancy for all the vaccines, of course, and that’s the last thing we need.

Let’s say, he concludes, that when the next set of figures about the vaccine come in

at a solid, inarguable 60%. You would want to see a higher number in a better world, but 60% is a damn sight better than not getting vaccinated at all. Which is effectively what a number of European countries have chosen to do instead. If I were living in one of those countries where the cases are heading right back up, I would bare my arm immediately for a 60% effective vaccine and hope that as many other people as possible did the same.


Quote of the Day

”Lady Capricorn, he understood, was still keeping open bed.”

  • Aldous Huxley, Chrome Yellow

Musical alternative to the morning’s radio news

Máire Ní Ghradha (Uileann pipes) and Mick Daly (Guitar) | The Trip to Athlone and The Peacock’s Feather | Live | 1996


Wonderful piping. And tomorrow is St Patrick’s Day, after all.

Long Read of the Day

Far-right news sources on Facebook more engaging

We kind-of knew that right-wing sources on social media are much better at generating the ‘user engagement’ that tech platforms prize so highly, but this NYU study of 8.6 million posts provides an empirical confirmation of their ability to get people worked up.

In conclusion, we found that far-right sources receive considerably more engagement per follower than pages with other political leanings. Furthermore, far-right misinformation sources are the only ones that engage better with their followers than non-misinformation sources of the same partisanship as an aggregate. Which is why liberals are fighting a losing battle on these platforms.

Chris Clark’s tribute to Jonathan Steinberg…

… is now on the Cambridge History Faculty’s website. Chris is a great historian and was a good friend of Jonathan’s. His is a lovely, informed, generous memorial.

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Monday 15 March, 2021

Temperamental optimists

Fishermen on the beach at Cley-next-the-Sea in Norfolk.

Quote of the Day

”This person was a deluge of words and a drizzle of thought.”

  • Peter De Vries

Remind you of anyone? (Hint: Carefully tousled blond with a posh accent.)

Musical alternative to the morning’s radio news

Voi Che Sapete | Marianne Crebassa | Le nozze di Figaro | Dutch National Opera


Utterly sublime nonsense. And if you have time, compare it with the 2012 Glyndebourne version.

Long Read of the Day

Margaret Mitchell’s letter about the ‘firing’ of Timnit Gebru

This letter relates, in a way, to my column in Sunday’s Observer about Google’s ethics-theatre. Dr Mitchell was co-director with Dr Gebru of Google’s Ethical AI team.

This is how it begins:

When diving deep into operationalizing the ethical development of artificial intelligence, one immediately runs into the “fractal problem”. This may also be called the “infinite onion” problem. That is, each problem within development that you pinpoint expands into a vast universe of new complex problems. It can be hard to make any measurable progress as you run in circles among different competing issues, but one of the paths forward is to pause at a specific point and detail what you see there.
Here I list some of the complex points that I see at play in the firing of Dr. Timnit Gebru, and why it will remain forever after a really, really, really terrible decision.

The Punchline. The firing of Dr. Timnit Gebru is not okay, and the way it was done is not okay. It appears to stem from the same lack of foresight that is at the core of modern technology, and so itself serves as an example of the problem. The firing seems to have been fueled by the same underpinnings of racism and sexism that our AI systems, when in the wrong hands, tend to soak up. How Dr. Gebru was fired is not okay, what was said about it is not okay, and the environment leading up to it was — and is — not okay.

Do read the whole thing.

(Thanks to Sheila Hayman for reminding me of it.)

Doc Searls: the Eventual Normal 

Characteristically thoughtful reflection on what might lie ahead:

There will be a new normal, eventually. It will be a normal like the one we had in the 20th Century, which started with WWI and ended with Covid. This was a normal where the cultural center was held by newspapers and broadcasting, and every adult knew how to drive.

Now we’re in the 21st Century, and it’s something of a whiteboard. We still have the old media and speak the same languages, but Covid pushed a reset button, and a lot of the old norms are open to question, if not out the window completely.

Why should the digital young accept the analog-born status quos of business, politics, religion, education, transportation or anything? The easy answer is because the flywheels of those things are still spinning. The hard answers start with questions about how we can do all that stuff better. For sure all the answers will be, to a huge degree, digital.

The vaccine programme had one key thing Test and Trace didn’t. And it wasn’t money

Terrific piece by Robert Colville in the Sunday Times. It’s paywalled but Charles Arthur has the key extract in his wonderful Overspill.

Something almost no one outside government appreciates is that the British state, like all its modern counterparts, is essentially a collection of databases. Throughout the pandemic, its policy successes have largely come where there are good databases, and its failures where there are not.

The furlough scheme worked because of PAYE. The expansion of universal credit relied on the existing benefits system. The “shielding list” of vulnerable patients was compiled by blending six data sets from NHS Digital.

Good data is also the secret sauce of the vaccination rollout. The jabbers could move seamlessly down the age and risk cohorts, because GPs had the appropriate patient lists. There have still been huge challenges in distributing the vaccines and tracking down the unregistered, but the data gave us an enormous head start.

The central problem with Test and Trace, by contrast, was that it didn’t have a database. When the pandemic hit, Apple and Google developed a joint framework for contact-tracing apps, which would ping you if someone you met later tested positive. But they wouldn’t let your phone share those details with the government — hence Matt Hancock’s abortive attempt to develop a homegrown alternative.

The trackers and tracers therefore had to map out the nation’s social network from a standing start, getting individual contact lists from every person who had tested positive to find out who else needed testing and quarantine. Public Health England even managed to lose 16,000 cases because it built its database with a stone-age version of Microsoft Excel and the file grew too large.

So the key discriminator between success and failure was not (as I had assumed) public sector vs (bloated and incompetent) private contractors, but who had a database and who didn’t.

The Fantasy Island that is ‘Global Britain’

This from Jonty’s Blog hits the nail on the head:

“The Brexit fantasy combines brilliantly in the final story from the weekend. The government is being urged to permanently station a frigate in Australia as a “warning” to China. That is a warning to a country with a navy which is expanding so rapidly that it is building the equivalent of the whole French navy every three years. What possible difference would one frigate make, except to hack off Beijing? The country we apparently want a trade deal with. “

Reminiscent of the famous story about Stalin who, upon being told that the Pope was opposed to something he was doing, inquired “And how many Divisions has the Pope?”

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Sunday 14 March, 2021

Nudes for rent

Quote of the Day

”We have long passed the Victorian era when asterisks were followed after a certain interval by a baby.

  • Somerset Maugham

Musical alternative to the morning’s radio news

Eels | Grace Kelly Blues


Google might ask questions about AI ethics, but it doesn’t want answers

My Observer column this morning.

If I told you that an academic paper entitled “On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots” had caused an epochal row involving one of the most powerful companies in the world, you’d have asked what I’d been smoking. And well you might: but stay tuned.

The paper has four co-authors, two from the University of Washington, and two from Google – Dr Timnit Gebru and Dr Margaret Mitchell. It provides a useful critical review of machine-learning language models (LMs) like GPT-3, which are trained on enormous amounts of text and are capable of producing plausible-looking prose. The amount of computation (and associated carbon emissions) involved in their construction has ballooned to insane levels, and so at some point it’s sensible to ask the question that is never asked in the tech industry: how much is enough?

Which is one of the questions the authors of the paper asked…

Read on

Amazon’s S3 is 15 years old

From Protocol:

S3, or Simple Storage Service, made its debut 15 years ago this weekend. It would be years before “the cloud” became one of the most disruptive forces in the history of enterprise computing. Amazon didn’t even use the term when it announced S3 on March 14, 2006. But the storage service’s launch instantly solved some very tricky problems for entrepreneurs like Alvarez, and would come to change the way all businesses thought about buying information technology.

Basically, Amazon was making infinite disk-space available to anyone with a credit-card. Which meant that start-ups didn’t have to deal with the problem that bugged (and often bankrupted) start-ups in the doc-com boom. It was easy to use and you only paid for what you needed.

S3 was really what kicked off the cloud computing boom which is still going on and shows no sign of slowing. Initially it was just online storage, but the killer application came when Amazon added rentable-by-the-minute computing power the offer — the service that became Amazon Web Services — AWS.

Last year AWS provided Amazon with more than $45 billion in revenue. In the process — as some of my colleagues have noted — it also became part of the critical infrastructure not just of tech companies, but also of departments of the US government. The CIA, for example, has a contract with Amazon to build and operate its ‘private’ cloud. Which leads to the question of other Amazon could, in effect, shut down those departments and therefore the Federal government.

Way back in 2012 my friend Quentin discovered one Monday morning that his credit card account had been charged a hefty sum over the weekend. On inspection it turned out that he had forgotten to terminate the processes he was running on AWS after finishing on Friday. To avoid this happening again, he built a little system using a Raspberry Pi with a green button and a red button which made it simple to connect to, and disconnect from, AWS.

Underestimating Joe Biden

In the run-up to the election — and afterwards — most of those in my (slightly-left-of-centre) echo chamber seemed rather dismissive of Joe Biden. His main merit, they felt, was that he wasn’t Donald Trump, but apart from that he was a dozy, old-style, touchy-feely, traditional politician who wasn’t particularly bright and might even be prone to ‘senior moments’. And so they had very low expectations of Biden as President on the grounds that he hasn’t had a big idea since 1946, and besides the Republicans in the Senate would stop him doing anything serious. Zzzzz…

I’m wondering whether they still think that. From where I sit, Biden is getting some amazing things done.

That’s not just my opinion. For example, here’s Noah Smith observing that

In his first few weeks in office, Biden executed on a large number of progressive priorities — rejoining the Paris climate talks, canceling the Keystone pipeline, ending the Muslim Ban, and much more. Then he passed a huge $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill (or “stimmy”, as the kids are now calling it), which also contained an incredibly generous unconditional child allowance that will transform American’s welfare state (assuming it becomes permanent at the end of the year, which many expect). But that’s only the beginning — Biden’s next moves include a big immigration bill with a path to citizenship, minimum wage, and a green infrastructure bill that’s not called a “Green New Deal” but certainly has some similarities.

In other words, Biden is bringing the most transformational progressive agenda since LBJ. And this presents the Left with a bit of a dilemma, because one of their core bedrock beliefs during the campaign season was that Biden was a basically Clintonite centrist. The fact that their predictions have been hilariously wide of the mark, and Biden is governing more like FDR, presents leftists with a choice: They can either admit (however grudgingly and provisionally) that Biden is a lot better than they thought, or they can find reasons to denounce Biden in spite of all he’s doing.

Or, here’s the NYT on what he’s been up to.

Its first major legislative act under President Biden was a deficit-financed, $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan” filled with programs as broad as expanded aid to nearly every family with children and as targeted as payments to Black farmers. While providing an array of benefits to the middle class, it is also a poverty-fighting initiative of potentially historic proportions, delivering more immediate cash assistance to families at the bottom of the income scale than any federal legislation since at least the New Deal.

Behind that shift is a realignment of economic, political and social forces, some decades in the making and others accelerated by the pandemic, that enabled a rapid advance in progressive priorities.

This is remarkable, not just because it’s the polar opposite of the sordid and venal chaos of the Trump regime, but also that it seems pretty radical. I guess that my sceptical echo-chamber dwellers will now change their refrain from ‘no he won’t because he can’t’ to ‘yeah, but can it last?’

As regular readers know, I was concerned that the burgeoning move to bring the tech companies under control bight be compromised by the inrush of ex-Silicon-Valley people into the Biden administration. And then last week he appoints Tim Wu to the national economic council with a brief to oversee antitrust action, and nominates Lina Khan FTC Commissioner. These are really serious appointments, and a sign of a President who knows that he’s doing.

The current rethinking that I cited above summons up echoes of FDR. But the under-estimation of Biden calls to my mind a different historical parallel — Clement Attlee, the best Prime Minister the UK has had since the war. He too was greatly under-estimated, including by Churchill, for whom he ran the country while Churchill ran the war. (Churchill observed of him that “he was a modest man with much to be modest about”.)

These misjudgements never seemed to bother Attlee, who famously mocked them in a little ditty towards the end of his career :

There were few who thought him a starter.
And many who thought themselves smarter.
But he finished PM,
CH, and OM,
An Earl and a Knight of the Garter.

In praise of Haynes Manuals

My post yesterday about the usefulness of the Haynes Manual for our little Toyota Aygo prompted a lovely note from my friend and Open University colleague, David Vincent.

“I don’t like mending cars”, he writes, “but when young and poor, I had no choice. One of my proudest memories of my Cambridge PhD time was replacing the entire engine of a Ford Popular, with the help of three friends, one now an FBA. On the roof of the car throughout the operation was an open Haynes manual, which guided us through the task.

Decades later, David became the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Open University, and as such one of the senior members of the university who had the responsibility for conferring degrees.

On one occasion, he recalls, “the ceremony was held in Cheltenham, where I discovered that the Honorary Graduand was none other than John Haynes. He was now well on in years, and in wealth, arriving for the event in a Rolls. He was an absolutely appropriate person for an OU degree. Few people did more to extend the technical learning of the British public”


Other, hopefully interesting, links

  • I’m the package you impulse-ordered three days ago and no, I’m not going to make you feel any better. Lovely, imaginative rant by Paula Aceves. Link
  • How I earn a living selling my open source software. Interesting and open. And an honest business model. Link

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Saturday 13 March, 2021

Listening to the Cosmos

Some of the radio telescopes at Lord’s Bridge.

Quote of the Day

”We were discussing the possibility of making one of our cats Pope recently, and we decided that the fact that she was not Italian, and was female, made the third point, that she was a cat, quite irrelevant.”

  • Katharine Whitehorn

Musical alternative to the morning’s radio news

Van Morrison | Days like this


Such a lovely, evocative song. Especially when we’re marking such a grim anniversary. Thanks to Anne Chapel for reminding me of it.

Long Read of the Day

Rug Time by Jonathan Steinberg

My friend Jonathan, who died last week, was a terrific book-reviewer. I’ve just been re-reading his LRB review  of The Price of Power, Seymour Hersh’s biography of Henry Kissinger, published in 1983. It’s a typically thorough Steinberg piece which is a pleasure to read — hence my recommendation.

This is how it concludes:

The Price of Power has perplexed me more than any book I have read for a long time. The story Mr Hersh has to tell is unrelieved and nasty. He attacks Kissinger less by invective than by weight of evidence. Super-K is to be buried under the thousand interviews and the mountains of notes. Yet the man himself slips through, almost unscathed. I tried to log the number of times Mr Hersh uses strong language, words like ‘betray’ or ‘fawn’ or ‘lie’, but gave it up for he does so sparingly. The facts, it would appear, are to speak for themselves. But they don’t. I know that the first law of reviewing is to talk about the book and not to complain about the one that the reviewer might have wanted. I have to break the rule in this case. Here we have a work by one of America’s most famous journalists, a work which he evidently felt was so important that he left the New York Times to complete it: and yet he gave me no deeper understanding of Kissinger the man or Kissinger the statesman than I had before I started. Perhaps the rigorous traditions of New York Times journalism with its non-committal tone and taste for factual accounts unfit a writer for the flights of imagination or sweep of judgment that seem to me to be lacking here. Perhaps Mr Hersh hates Dr Kissinger and has to restrain himself lest it show. I don’t know. What I do know is that nobody will ever be in a better position to write the definitive study of Kissinger’s foreign policy and I am sorry that, for whatever reason, Seymour Hersh has not done so.

One of the nice ironies of history was that when Jonathan’s magisterial biography of Bismarck was published, the New York Times asked Kissinger to review it.

I never hear the name Kissinger without thinking of Tom Lehrer’s famous observation that “Satire died the day Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize”.

The one great thing about YouTube

YouTube’s recommender algorithm has been a disaster for democracy, but the basic service YouTube provides is often wonderful in all kinds of mundane ways. It’s particularly good — in my experience — when you’re trying to do some mundane DIY task and discover that it’s more difficult than you envisaged. At which point you discover that someone much more competent and resourceful than you has encountered and solved it — and is willing to demonstrate on video how s/he did so.

A good case study of this public good arose this morning. Our second car is a Toyota Aygo, a small runabout that I bought years ago when the kids were learning to drive, and which we still use as a workhorse for all kinds of mundane trips. Although it’s badged as a Toyota, in fact it’s just a rebranded runabout that was designed by either Peugeot or Citroen — which is why you see various manifestations of it all over the place.

One of the curious aspects of the car that we discovered years ago is that it seems to have been designed to be cheap to manufacture but fiendishly difficult to repair. A few years ago the heater fan broke and we discovered that it would cost neatly £600 to replace it. Why? It wasn’t the cost of the fan — about £100 — but the labour costs of the work needed to replace it. A significant chunk of the front interior had to be painstakingly removed in order to get at the faulty part. One of my wife’s sons — who is naturally good at this stuff — kindly did it for us, and it was an eye-opener to observe the lengths to which he had to go in order to replace that one single component. We had a similar experience when trying to replace a headlamp bulb — an apparently trivial task which, on the Aygo, seems to require superhuman dexterity and the ability to work in a very confined space.

Yesterday, the indicators started to malfunction, making the car dangerous to drive. Having consulted the Haynes manual I concluded that the indicator stalk on the steering column was probably faulty and would need to be replaced. I then discovered that doing so looked like being tricky in classic Aygo style — involving, among other things, temporarily disabling the airbag and taking off the steering wheel. But just to confirm that suspicion, I went to YouTube and found this wonderful video — which provided the desired confirmation but was also a beautiful example of how to teach by example. And while the chap was doing the repair, he had occasional interludes (complete with visual warnings) for rants about French automobile design, with all of which I heartily concurred.

”No 10 was a plague pit”

The Guardian today carried a vivid account of what it had been like inside Johnson’s so-called government in the early days of the pandemic. It’s useful in confirming what one guessed it must have been like, but it has lots of colourful detail. Here’s how it opens…

Horrified staff and ministers, dealing with the worst crisis in decades, had to reckon with how the country could be run when everyone in charge was getting ill.

Famously, Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock and Dominic Cummings contracted the virus. So did England’s chief medical officer, Prof Chris Whitty, and the then cabinet secretary, Mark Sedwill. Ministers and their staff had it. Almost all the staff in Downing Street, too.

It spread to special advisers across Whitehall and to parliamentary lobby journalists. Although the Palace of Westminster escaped any mass outbreaks among staff, several MPs caught Covid. Many in the office of the Labour leader, including Seumas Milne, had it. Jeremy Corbyn may have had it, although he was never tested and so has never been sure.

But the situation was at its worst at the heart of Downing Street. For a number of days aides looked almost entirely to the then director of communications, Lee Cain, for direction.

“No 10 was a plague pit,” one adviser recalls. “No one outside the postcode quite knows how bad it got in there.”

Another said: “Lee was running the country, genuinely, for quite some time.”

According to many of those present, almost the entire staff team in Downing Street caught Covid-19 at some point during those weeks, with James Slack, the prime minister’s spokesperson, a notable exception.

I’ve been to No 10 a couple of times and was astonished at how much of a rabbit-warren it is. I once interviewed one of the UK’s most senior civil servants in his office there. It was not that much bigger than a walk-in wardrobe.

The other thing I remember (it was in the late 1990s) was that on entry you had to switch your mobile phone off and put it on the hall table with a post-it note giving your name. I did as required and went off to do the interview. When I went to reclaim my phone I noticed that next to it was a Nokia on which the post-it note said “First Sea Lord”.

Straight out of Gilbert and Sullivan.

Another — fascinating — link

The Antikythera Cosmos: Recreating an ancient mechanical Cosmos Link

This is an utterly fascinating 30-minute video account of how researchers at UCL have solved a major piece of the puzzle that makes up the ancient Greek astronomical calculator known as the Antikythera Mechanism, a hand-powered mechanical device that was used to predict astronomical events.

It was the world’s first analogue computer and the most complex piece of engineering to have survived from the ancient world. The 2,000-year-old device was used to predict the positions of the Sun, Moon and the planets as well as lunar and solar eclipse.

The stupendous effort and ingenuity that went into this project is astonishing.

And the video makes for riveting viewing. Best way of spending half an hour I can think of.

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Friday 12 March, 2021

Covid warning — geek version

I love this. CSAIL is the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab at MIT.

Quote of the Day

“She clapped me to her bosom like a belladonna plaster and pushed me onto the dance floor. It was like being lashed to an upholstered pneumatic drill.”

  • Richard Gordon in Doctor at Sea

Musical alternative to the morning’s radio news

Mozart | Soave sia il vento | Cosi fan Tutte


One of the loveliest things Mozart ever wrote. And if you’re planning your funeral, consider it for the closing music as your cortege heads for the graveyard. For if you do, you’ll have the last laugh — and some members of the congregation may feel twinges of anxiety. The two ladies are hoping the wind blows gently for their beloveds, Ferrando and Guglielmo, as they supposedly head off to war — when the two rogues (as the audience and Don Alfonso know) are actually planning to return in disguise and make fools of their deluded fiancees. It’s basically sexist nonsense accompanied by heavenly music.

Long Read of the Day

How to Put Out Democracy’s Dumpster Fire

Useful piece by Anne Applebaum and Peter Pomerantsev. Familiar stuff for those of us who have to follow the evolving story, but a good summary roundup for anyone who wants to catch up on what is rapidly becoming a major concern for democracy.

The beginnings of a working public EV-charging grid for the UK?

Lovely post by Quentin on his blog marking the announcement that Ecotricity was to lose its monopoly on the provision of electric chargers at motorway service stations. Henceforth public charging at service stations will be provided by a partnership of Ecotricity and Gridserve, the new kid on the block. Quentin is the right person to write this post, since he was a pioneering adopter of EVs — he had a gorgeous little BMW i3 five years ago, and now has a Tesla (as do I).

The problem was that the Ecotricity charging network suffered from the problems often displayed by monopoly providers — as Quentin tactfully points out:

Over the years, though, fondness for Ecotricity has waned, because the network was poorly-maintained and unreliable, the ‘rapid’ chargers were, by modern standards (a whole five years later!), slow and cranky, and nobody now heads for an Ecotricity charger if there is any other viable option. A recent Zap-Map survey of the UK’s 16 charging networks — yes, there are actually 16 — placed Ecotricity at position… ahem… 16.

In a nice touch, his blog post bookends the story with a picture of his little i3’s first public charge at an Ecotricity charging point, and its final charge (before exchanging it for a Tesla) at the new Gridserve service station near Braintree.

Long Covid: How poor reporting can lead to misinformation and anxiety

Zeynep’s Tufecki is in a class of her own — IMHO the best writer on the pandemic. This essay is a masterclass in how faulty — if well-intentioned — reporting can lead to unfortunate results.

The headline on the offending article (in the New York Times) was “Many ‘Long Covid’ Patients Had No Symptoms From Their Initial Infection”. The nub of it was this:

Many people who experience long-term symptoms from the coronavirus did not feel sick at all when they were initially infected, according to a new study that adds compelling information to the increasingly important issue of the lasting health impact of Covid-19.

The study, one of the first to focus exclusively on people who never needed to be hospitalized when they were infected, analyzed electronic medical records of 1,407 people in California who tested positive for the coronavirus. More than 60 days after their infection, 27 percent, or 382 people, were struggling with post-Covid symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain, cough or abdominal pain.

Nearly a third of the patients with such long-term problems had not had any symptoms from their initial coronavirus infection through the 10 days after they tested positive, the researchers found.

You can see why this piece caused lots of concern. It was saying that asymptomatic infection seems to potentially create “Long Covid” sufferers in large proportions. Scary.

But watch Zeynep going to work on it…

Here’s the problem though—and these are things you’d never know if you read only the New York Times or other articles about the study, rather than the study itself. The findings were drawn from electronic health records: i.e. people who were interacting with the hospital system. So the study necessarily excludes anyone who didn’t feel the need to interact with the hospital after their positive test. Who is still interacting with the hospital sixty days after their diagnosis? People who don’t feel great. Who is not? People who don’t feel the need to because they feel fine. Hence, clearly, this is not a representative group whatsoever. These are people who sought follow-up, by definition. Their problems are real, for sure, but they don’t form a basis from which to report percentages, really. This is called a “selection effect” — if you only include people who select themselves into a group, you have little idea of what’s actually going on besides some people selecting themselves into that group.

And so on.

It’s (too) easy to be judgmental about this and — as a columnist who has sometimes been spectacularly wrong I’m in no position to throw stones. Pam Belluck, the author of the article, is a well-known health and science writer who has shared a Pulitzer Prize for some of her work. She’s no rookie, in other words. Among the lessons implicit in Zeynep’s dissection are that: Covid reporting is hard; the scale of the pandemic means that many Covid-related stories make headlines; really accurate Covid reporting is even harder; and often the truth is elusive and not amenable to punchy headlines. Also worth bearing in mind is that the journalist who never made a mistake never wrote anything.

Other, hopefully interesting, links

  • A Toronto burger joint Toronto has named its menu items after office supplies so that customers can include them on expense reports. Smart. Mine’s a Mini Dry Erase Whiteboard with fries; no mayo. Link
  • Dave Winer’s blog for March 11, 2020. He has a daily blog, just like mine. And it’s now very interesting to look back to a year ago: the storm was coming, but relatively few knew how bad it was going to be. Link
  • Thought Economics. Amazing site created by Vikas Shah: huge collection of interviews he’s done with an amazing range of people. Link. Thanks to Diane Coyle for the pointer.

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Thursday 11 March, 2021

Thorny problems

Seen on our walk this afternoon.

Quote of the Day

”Organic life, we are told, has developed gradually from the protozoon to the philosopher, and this development, we are assured, is indubitably an advance. Unfortunately, it is the philosopher, not the protozoon, who gives us this assurance.”

  • Bertrand Russell

Musical alternative to the morning’s radio news

Peggy Seeger | The Invisible Woman


What a woman! Born in 1935 and still going strong. Thanks to Andrew Ingram for spotting it.

Long Read of the Day

In a recent Observer column I argued that now that universities have demonstrated that at least a part of their teaching can be done online, there will eventually have to be a post-pandemic reckoning: institutions will have to come up with good arguments for why it’s essential to gather students expensively in a single place for long periods. What exactly is special and essential for face-to-face teaching and learning? And does it have to be done in the same way that has been conventional since the 12th century?

I wasn’t saying that no such arguments exist. In some cases — laboratory teaching, for example, or medicine — the case for physical presence is obvious. It’s just that I wasn’t hearing any really good cases to justify the huge costs involved in higher education.

But a post today in Andrew Curry’s terrific Just Two Things blog suggested that convincing justifications may exist. He points to Christina Lupton’s thoughtful review of The Teaching Archive, a new book by Rachel Buurma and Laura Heffernan. The review is really interesting, and it suggests that the book is also important. So I guess it has to go on my reading list.

But for today, if you have time, Lupton’s review is enough to be going on with.

Do you really need to fly?

Interesting piece by Farhad Manjoo, who begins in confessional mood:

I once flew round-trip from San Francisco to London to participate in an hourlong discussion about a book. Another time it was San Francisco-Hong Kong, Hong Kong-Singapore and back again for two lunch meetings, each more lunch than meeting. I went to Atlanta once to interview an official who flaked out at the last minute. And there was that time in Miami: three days, 5,000 miles, hotel, rental car — and on the way back a sinking realization that the person I’d gone to profile was too dull for a profile.

His general point in the piece, though, seems unanswerable to me. Much of the obsession with the necessity of face-to-face contact was overblown, but it took the pandemic and the need to communicate electronically to blow the gaff on the myth. There will always be a case for travel and F2F needs to be more nuanced. Sometimes, it still is essential. But often it isn’t. And we’ll all be better for it.

(And — responding in the spirit of Manjoo’s confessional mode…the most enjoyable flight I ever took was probably also the most environmentally damaging: I flew the Atlantic on Concorde once. It took two and a half hours and included a very good lunch. And I arrived before I’d left, as it were. Unforgettable but also mad.)

My answer to Manjoo’s question: I don’t really need to fly any more, because I gave up long-haul flights decades ago. But in pre-pandemic times I found short-haul flights (an hour or so) pleasant and useful (especially for keeping in touch with family and friends). Most of those trips are still possible by car (now an EV) or rail, though they will take longer. But sometimes slow travel, like slow food, is more enjoyable. That’s a lesson we learned when we decided to drive, rather than fly, to Provence every summer.

Another, hopefully interesting, link

  • The Last Blockbuster Store. Trailer for a documentary about the last Blockbuster store in the world. Strange thing is that in 2000 Blockbuster turned down the chance to buy Netflix for $50m. By 2011, Blockbuster was bankrupt and down to 2400 stores while Netflix had gone public and today has a market cap of $223 billion. Link

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Wednesday 10 March, 2021

Music lovers

Quote of the Day

“We class schools, you see, into four grades: Leading School, First-rate School, Good School, and School.”

  • Evelyn Waugh, Decline and Fall.

Musical alternatives to the radio news of the day

  1. Pete Seeger | Waist-deep in the Big Muddy | live Link (h/t to Andrew Curry)
  2. Bach | Cello Suite Sarabande and Gig | Patrick Dexter in the open air outside his house in Co Mayo. Link

Two alternatives today — to make up for the fact that I missed out one yesterday :-( Thanks to the readers who tactfully pointed this out.

Long Read of the Day

Interview: Patrick Collison, co-founder and CEO of Stripe

Interesting throughout.

The Collison brothers are an amazing pair of entrepreneurs — two Irish kids who have built a remarkable company. Patrick is also a wide-ranging intellectual — a rara avis among Silicon Valley tech billionaires, many of whom seem to be half-educated dropouts. This long interview gives a pretty good impression of what he’s like.

The road to electric vehicles is filled with tiny cars

Fascinating report on what’s happening with EVs in China. And it’s not about Teslas.

h/t to Benedict Evans

Amazon buys more wind and solar energy than any other company


Other, hopefully interesting, links

  • Winners of the 2020 World Nature Photography Awards Link
  • Right Up Our Alley Amazing drone flight. Link

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Tuesday 9 March, 2021


Big story of the day

From Politico:

Joe Biden has decided to nominate Lina Khan, a Columbia University legal scholar championed by anti-Big Tech activists, to the Federal Trade Commission. For those of us who study this stuff, this appointment looks like a really big deal.

Along with the recent hiring of Tim Wu as an economic adviser inside the White House … the addition of Khan signals that Biden is poised to pursue an aggressive regulatory agenda when it comes to Amazon, Google, Facebook and other tech giants.

An FBI agent this week was making calls to Khan’s associates for her background check, the final part of the vetting process before a major administration job is officially announced. Sources confirmed Khan is headed to the FTC if she survives Senate confirmation.

The addition of Khan and Wu represents a massive shift in philosophy away from the era of BARACK OBAMA, who proudly forged an alliance between the Democratic Party and Big Tech.

At the end of the 2008 presidential campaign, a top Obama adviser marveled that Google’s ERIC SCHMIDT, then the company’s CEO, had worked so closely with the Obama campaign on its tech infrastructure that the work and advice should have been considered a massive in-kind donation. In office the Obama White House and Silicon Valley had a symbiotic relationship.

The ascendance of Khan and Wu, two of the most important intellectuals in the recent progressive antitrust revival, signals a break with that past and hints that Biden is sympathetic to the left’s view that Obama’s laissez-faire policies helped engender the populist backlash that ended with DONALD TRUMP’S election.

Adding Khan to the FTC, a move that will likely be greeted with alarm by the tech industry, also suggests that the White House is already laying the groundwork for a second act that will include a big regulatory push once its early legislative agenda runs its course.

Watch that space.

Long Read of the Day

 The Consequences Of Radical Reform

Scott Alexander has been reading an intriguing NBER paper on the consequences of the French Revolution by Daron Acemoglu, Davide Cantoni, Simon Johnson and James A. Robinson that was published way back in 2009. In it, the authors argued that the Revolution had

a momentous impact on neighboring countries. The French Revolutionary armies during the 1790s and later under Napoleon invaded and controlled large parts of Europe. Together with invasion came various radical institutional changes. French invasion removed the legal and economic barriers that had protected the nobility, clergy, guilds, and urban oligarchies and established the principle of equality before the law. The evidence suggests that areas that were occupied by the French and that underwent radical institutional reform experienced more rapid urbanization and economic growth, especially after 1850. There is no evidence of a negative effect of French invasion.

Reading this paper has sparked a thoughtful and interesting essay by Scott Alexander. This is how it begins:

The thread that runs from Edmund Burke to James Scott and Seeing Like A State goes: systems that evolve organically are well-adapted to their purpose. Cultures, ancient traditions, and long-lasting institutions contain irreplaceable wisdom. If some reformer or technocrat who thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room sweeps them aside and replaces them with some clever theory he just came up with, he’ll make everything much worse. That’s why collective farming, Brasilia, and Robert Moses worked worse than ordinary people doing ordinary things.

An alternative thread runs through the French Revolution, social activism, and modern complaints about vetocracy. Its thesis: entrenched interests are constantly blocking necessary change. If only there were some centralized authority powerful enough to sweep them away and do all the changes we know we need, everything would be great. This was the vibe I got from Gabriel Over The White House (sorry, subscriber-only post), the movie exhorting FDR to become a fascist dictator. So many obviously good policies had built up behind the veto point that we needed a Great Man to come in, sweep them away, and satisfy the people’s cries for justice. Obviously at its worst this thread can lead to authoritarianism.

These threads don’t cleanly map to the modern left-right political spectrum…

In the end he comes to a rather tame conclusion: whether radical reform is good or bad depends on how intelligent and thoroughgoing it is. But sometimes, as Leonard Woolf (I think) once observed, the journey not the arrival matters — which is often the case with Scott Alexander.

Meghan and Harry Will Never Be This Interesting Again

As I observed yesterday, I don’t have a dog in this fight, so I’ve avoided all British media coverage of the spat between Harry and Meghan and the other Royals. But I thought this American perspective provided by Jack Shafer was interesting.

Haters of monarchies would have you regard “royal” families as marrow-sucking parasites on the public treasury. And they would be right. The Windsors being the exemplars of such parasitism, believe ancestry and divine endorsement gives them an automatic right to an opulent life and deference from commoners. We should probably give Meghan and Harry an attagirl and an attaboy for turning their backs on “The Firm,” the widely used nickname for the “royal” family, and striking out to earn their own keep through production deals. The taxpayers who funded Meghan and Harry’s lifestyle were victims. The media consumers who will partake of their films and podcast will be paying accomplices in the first season of The Liberation of Meghan and Harry.

But the media face through which the two will now encounter the world is not radically new for them. Instead of “the Firm” pulling the puppet strings on their bodies, they’ll do their own yanking as they switch from being human products of a company that markets their lives to the world to human products that they control. It’s just the same unscripted material moved to a new location. The biggest difference is how they’ve disintermediated the Windsors from profit participation and assumed complete image creation for themselves.

Shafer’s point is that if the escaping pair think that working for The Firm was bad, then they’re about to discover that working for the Netflix/Hollywood mob is just as bad.

In order to stay commercially relevant, they’ll have to produce great content for Netflix and Spotify before their novelty wears off. That’s no easy feat. They’ll be competing against the most brilliant filmmakers and podcasters in the world now, and conjuring content from nothing ain’t nothing. Not even Steven Spielberg can deliver what the public wants every time, and he’s the greatest mass entertainer of our times. Also, neither Meghan nor Harry have much experience in producing media. If not for their relationship with the “royals,” they couldn’t have gotten a meeting with a Netflix flunky, let alone a deal.


How the tech world pivoted on a dime

Pandemics accelerate history, says the historian Yuval Noah Harari. One minute we all worked in offices. The next day we were working from home (or at any rate those of us fortunate enough to be able to do so). But how was that possible?

The Register (Which God Preserve) is running a series of memoirs from tech-support staff who made it happen. Here’s a sample from today’s recollections:

On the other side of the world, Chris Moriarty also had a busy day after he was given four hours to move his 250-person business into a new office and get it ready to work from home.

The day started well for Moriarty and Flat Planet, the business process outsourcer he owns and runs in Manila, capital city of the Philippines. Work on the company’s new office had finished ahead of schedule and while the fortnight of overlapping leases would be busy with all the minutiae and mess of a move, the old and new offices were just 150m apart so the job promised to be orderly.

But on this day, 16 March 2020, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte ordered four weeks of “enhanced community quarantine” that would prohibit residents leaving home for 28 days other than to buy food or seek medical attention. An accompanying curfew came into effect at sundown.

Four hours away.

”I called in my wife, maids, the builders from the new office,” Moriarty recalled. “We were all just sprinting up and down the street. We moved the server cupboard, the filing cabinets, hundreds of PCs. We did it in four hours, without any trucks or anything.”

See what I mean?

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