Tools for thought

Computers are all very well but when there’s some serious thinking to be done, A3 paper and a pen are the things I reach for first. The only computing tools that help at this stage are outliners (like OmniOutliner and Dave Winer’s incomparable More 3.0 of blessed memory), Mind-mapping software (like Novamind), the Stickies (virtual post-it notes) program that comes with OS X and a very nice journal program called Journler.

Photographed in my university office during a particularly baffling day recently.

Human-assisted search

From Technology Review

The Web has grown orders of magnitude bigger since the founding of Google, and neither the company nor its competitors have come up with new automatic search algorithms as seemingly magical or game changing as PageRank. Now some entrepreneurs believe it’s time to replace the algorithmic search engine with humans.

ChaCha, a free advertising-supported service launched last year by former MIT AI Lab research scientist Scott Jones and software entrepreneur Brad Bostic, doesn’t exactly give up on the concept of computerized search. Web wanderers in search of answers are free to settle for the algorithmic results served up by ChaCha’s own search engine. But the site’s real calling card is its collection of 29,000 human guides, who earn $5 to $10 per hour working with users in live chat sessions to locate the Web’s best answers to their queries.

Web services that tap the brainpower of real humans are all the rage. Many now-familiar sites such as Digg and Wikipedia depend on the “wisdom of the crowd”–users who contribute, edit, and collectively rank information items. But newer ventures depend on individuals. Yahoo Answers, where anyone may submit a question and anyone else may respond, has proved immensely popular, attracting more than 60 million users (despite the varying quality of the site’s answers). More recently, Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, a marketplace where individuals can earn small amounts for completing “simple tasks that people do better than computers,” in Amazon’s words, has provoked much discussion among followers of the user-centered Web 2.0 movement…

The Allchin 2004 email

From: Jim Allchin
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 8:38 AM
To: Bill Gates; Steve Ballmer
Subject: losing our way…

This is a rant. I’m sorry.

I am not sure how the company lost sight of what matters to our customers (both business and home) the most, but in my view we lost our way. I think our teams lost sight of what bug-free means, what resilience means, what full scenarios mean, what security means, what performance means, how important current applications are, and really understanding what the most important problems [our] customers face are. I see lots of random features and some great vision, but that doesn’t translate onto great products.

I would buy a Mac today if I was not working at Microsoft. If you run the equivalent of VPC on a MAC you get access to basically all Windows application software (although not the hardware). Apple did not lose their way. You must watch this new video below. I know this doesn’t show anything for businesses, but my point is about the philosophy that Apple uses. They think scenario. They think simple. They think fast. I know there is nothing hugely deep in this. [Note: link no longer works]

I must tell you everything in my soul tells me that we should do what I called plan (b) yesterday We need a simple fast storage system. LH [Longhorn — now known as VISTA] is a pig and I don’t see any solution to this problem. If we are to rise to the challenge of Linux and Apple, we need to start taking the lessons of “scenario, simple, fast” to heart.



Jim Allchin was Co-President, Platforms and Services Division of Microsoft. After 17 years with the company, he retired on January 30, the day Vista shipped to consumers. According to the Microsoft web site,

He shared overall responsibility with Kevin Johnson for the division of the company that includes the Windows and Windows Live Group, Windows Live Platform Group, Online Business Group, Market Expansion Group, Core Operating System Division, Windows Client Marketing Group, Developer and Platform Evangelism Group, and the Server and Tools Business Group.

Well, apart from being free to spend more time with his money, Jim will also be free to buy a Mac!

On turning 70

Beautiful essay by Joseph Epstein on his 70th birthday.

Seventy ought to concentrate the mind, as Samuel Johnson said about an appointment with the gallows on the morrow, but it doesn’t–at least, it hasn’t concentrated my mind. My thoughts still wander about, a good part of the time forgetting my age, lost in low-grade fantasies, walking the streets daydreaming pointlessly. (Tolstoy, in Boyhood, writes: “I am convinced that should I ever live to a ripe old age and my story keeps pace with my age, I shall daydream just as boyishly and impractically as an old man of 70 as I do now.”) Despite my full awareness that time is running out, I quite cheerfully waste whole days as if I shall always have an unending supply on hand. I used to say that the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months seemed to pass at the same rate as ever, and it was only the decades that flew by. But now the days and weeks seem to flash by, too. Where once I would have been greatly disconcerted to learn that the publication of some story or essay of mine has been put off for a month or two, I no longer am: the month or two will now come around in what used to seem like a week or two.

I hope this does not suggest that, as I grow older, I am attaining anything like serenity. Although my ambition has lessened, my passions have diminished, my interests narrowed, my patience is no greater and my perspective has not noticeably widened. Only my general intellectual assurance has increased. Pascal says that under an aristocracy “it is a great advantage to have a man as far on his way at 18 or 20 years as another could be at 50; these are 30 years gained without trouble.” To become the intellectual equivalent of an aristocrat in a democracy requires writing 20 or so books–and I have just completed my 19th.

Still, time, as the old newsreels had it, marches on, and the question at 70 is how, with the shot clock running, best to spend it. I am fortunate in that I am under no great financial constraints, and am able to work at what pleases me. I don’t have to write to live–only to feel alive. Will my writing outlive me? I am reasonably certain that it won’t, but–forgive me, Herr Schopenhauer–I keep alive the illusion that a small band of odd but immensely attractive people not yet born will find something of interest in my scribbles. The illusion, quite harmless I hope, gives me –I won’t say the courage, for none is needed — but the energy to persist…

Well worth reading in full.

Thanks to the wonderful Arts and Letters Daily for the link.

Mortgage news

Today’s Guardian brings us up to date on the Blairs’ property portfolio…

Tony and Cherie Blair have bought another house in London near the property they will move into when they leave Downing Street, it was reported last night.

Number 10 refused to comment on the claims that the Blairs have exchanged contracts on an £800,000 house behind the Bayswater property they bought in 2004. The Daily Mail said they planned to knock through the walls to join the buildings together and create extra space.

The Guardian reckons that this will bring the First Couple’s mortgage payments to nigh on £20,000 a month. But do not panic — the piece goes on to predict that Tony will earn £20 million a year when he leaves office.

Gosh! I had no idea that lecturing to right-wing Republicans could be so lucrative. If it isn’t, there are always directorships of Halliburton, Bechtel and aerospace companies to be considered. Wonder who his agent is.

Google does Viacom’s bidding?

Hmmm… The NYT is reporting that:

In a sign of the growing tension between old-line media and the new Internet behemoths, Viacom, the parent company of MTV and Comedy Central, demanded yesterday that YouTube, the video-sharing Web site owned by Google, remove more than 100,000 clips of its programming.

Viacom, along with other major media companies, including the News Corporation and NBC Universal, has become increasingly frustrated with YouTube as it has amassed a vast library of copyrighted clips, placed on the site by its users.

While such companies regularly ask YouTube to remove their material, Viacom’s demand, which it disclosed in a statement circulated by e-mail, was the most militant and public move of its kind so far.

As it has with the similar request from other companies, Google removed the Viacom clips from the YouTube site yesterday…

So no more clips from Jon Stewart’s Daily Show then? Er, apparently not. For example, a few days ago I blogged Bill Gates’s appearance on the show. I’ve just checked (on Saturday 3 February, 09:55) — and it’s still on YouTube! Maybe Google isn’t quite as efficient as we think.