Category Archives: Photography
The Peer and his iPad
David (Lord) Puttnam checking email on his iPad after the Open University ceremony last Friday awarding an honorary doctorate to Cathy Casserly, the new CEO of Creative Commons.
As it happens, it was 30 years to the day since he won an Oscar for his film Chariots of Fire.
That doggone geetar
Tree surgery
Eating out on a budget
What a difference a dot makes.
Boyd Harris
Boyd is not only a thoughtful reader of this blog, but also a blogger, a long-distance cyclist, a mountaineer, a local historian and very knowledgeable (and good) photographer, so it was nice to meet up with him and put a face to the blog for the first time. He’s currently on an astonishing cycling odyssey from Yorkshire to Sutton Hoo, and Cambridge was on his route, so we met for breakfast at the Orchard Tea Garden in Grantchester, where I discovered that he is also very sound on the subject of scones.
Banksy in Bristol
How to see round corners
Smoke signals
No, he’s not on fire. Just having a smoke.