What happens when the 2.4GHz band becomes so congested that it’s unusable?

What happens when the 2.4GHz band becomes so congested that it’s unusable?

Bob Cringeley can sometimes be irritating (because of the way he makes himself a central part of any story), but even his sternest critic has to admit that he’s very good at explaining complex issues. As here, for example. The basic puzzle is this: according to reliable sources, a company called Fusion Lighting has developed a new kind of street lamp. It gives off radiation in the unregulated 2.4GHz band used by 802.11b — so much so that it is claimed that a single bulb can shut down WiFi nets with half a mile. Why then, asks Cringeley, is the WiFi industry not up in arms about this outrageous threat to its technology? Answer: because the industry has already sussed that 802.11b is on its way to commodification (i.e. low profit margins) and would like to move us quickly onto 802.11a — more expensive (and therefore more profitable) kit operating in the 5GHz band. Hmmm… sounds plausible.