Yo! Prof Blair

P.G. Wodehouse’s shrewd observation that a strong interest in religion is invariably a prelude to insanity is brought to mind by the news that Tony Blair is to ‘teach’ at Yale. Here’s the announcement:

New Haven, Conn. — Yale University is pleased to announce the appointment of Prime Minister Tony Blair as the Howland Distinguished Fellow for the next academic year.

Mr. Blair will lead a seminar at Yale and participate in a number of events around the campus. The course in which he will participate with Yale faculty will examine issues of faith and globalization. His efforts at Yale relate to the work of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation that he will be launching later this year.

The Deans of the Yale School of Management and Divinity are working with Mr. Blair on finalizing details of the program….

If you take that last sentence literally, it would seem that Yale has a School of Management and Divinity, but then I suppose the poor dears were so excited they hardly noticed what they’d written.

Coincidentally, George W. Bush is an alumnus of Yale (where he spent many happy days under the table). Perhaps he will be a Distinguished Guest Lecturer in Professor Blair’s seminar programme? Truly, you couldn’t make this up. What hope have comedians when reality doles out developments like this?