Windows Server 2003 is like “Swiss cheese”

Windows Server 2003 is like “Swiss cheese”

That would be Emmentaler, I suppose.

Here’s the CBC News story:

“The software was the first product sold under the “Trustworthy Computing” intitiative launched last year by Microsoft founder Bill Gates. At the time, it was hailed as a “breakthrough in terms of built-in security and reliability.”

Now comes the really funny bit…

“The announcement comes just after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security awarded a multi-million dollar contract for Microsoft to supply software for the agency’s new computers.

“This is one of the worst Windows vulnerabilities ever,” said Marc Maiffret of eEye Digital Security in California. Maiffret warns customers that “until they have this patch installed, it will be Swiss cheese [~] anybody can walk in and out of their servers.”

Microsoft spent hundreds of millions on security improvements but Polish researchers managed to bypass the additional protections three months after the software went on sale in April. ”