Where are you, Mel?

Amid all the fuss about Bernard Madoff’s Giant Ponzi Scheme, the really important question is being overlooked: who will make the movie? To my mind there is only one possible candidate — Mel Brooks. This is really a remake of The Producers — but on an epic scale. Just imagine, all those intimate scenes in the Palm Beach Club as Bernie suckers nice ol’ widows. And then there’s his ‘auditing’ firm, Messrs Friehling & Horowitz, which according to the only hedge fund which appears to have done due diligence on Madoff, consisted of one partner in his late 70s who lives in Florida, a secretary, and one active accountant. Sadly, Zero Mostel is no longer with us, but Gene Wilder could play the role of that “one active accountant”. And maybe some of the the folks who were suckered by Madoff could get something back by investing whatever cash they have left in the new production. It’ll be a sure-fire hit.*

*Warning: This Blog is regulated by the Financial Services Authority. The value of shares may go down as well as up. You should consult an Independent Financial Adviser or a Yeti, whichever is more accessible, before committing your life savings to any sure-fire investment scheme.