What kind of democracy, exactly, is Dubya proposing to export?

What kind of democracy, exactly, is Dubya proposing to export?

The US has an electoral system which looks increasingly corrupt and rickety. On the corruption front, just look at the relationship between campaign funding and legislators’ behaviour — e.g. on copyright law — not to mention the way in which electoral districts for the House of Representatives are comprehensively gerrymandered to ensure that there is a real contest in only a minority of seats. (See the Economist‘s piece “How to Rig an Election” for details.) On the rickety front, see this NYT editorial. It reads, in part,:

“In Florida, voter registrations are being thrown out on pointless technicalities. Missouri is telling soldiers to send nonsecret ballots by e-mail through a Pentagon contractor with a troubling past. Nationwide, eligible voters are being removed from the rolls by flawed felon purges. And nearly a third of this year’s votes will be cast on highly questionable electronic voting machines. No wonder a large percentage of Americans doubt that their votes will count. The election system is crying out for reform.”