The hidden wiring (contd.)

The hidden wiring (contd.)

Salon, which first raised the question of the mysterious bulge, has now published another picture.


Plus an analysis by one Alex Darbut, a technical expert who designs and makes such devices for the U.S. military. His view is that the bulge is indeed a transceiver designed to receive electronic signals and transmit them to a hidden earpiece lodged in Bush’s ear canal. “There’s no question about it”, he says. “It’s a pretty obvious one — larger than most because it probably has descrambling capability,” Darbut speculates that the device Dubya wears is provided by the Secret Service. “They’re not going to have him driving around the countryside on his ranch without being in instant contact with him.”

So… we have the first electronically tagged president in history. No wonder David Blunkett is so keen on the technology.