
  • The three things that changed the face of European tech Interesting essay by Nicholas Colin. The ‘three things’, btw, are: the 2008 banking crisis; the rise of Chinese tech power; and the backlash against the US tech giants.
  •  Conspire Slowly, Act Quickly  David Runciman’s LRB review of the third and final volume of Charles Moore’s authorised biography of Margaret Thatcher.
  • Mission Thinking: A Problem-Solving Approach To Fuel Innovation-Led Growth Mariana Mazzucato’s manifesto on the need for a new focus on mission-led innovation (with the kind of enlightened state funding that led to the Internet in the 1960s). We badly need the power of positive thinking rather than the privatised ‘innovation’ of Silicon Valley.
  • Electric Cars Threaten the Heart of Germany’s Economy Every time I find myself driving behind a fancy BMW, Audi or Mercedes diesel car In wonder if their drivers know they are driving obsolescent machines. The German automobile industry employs about 850,000 directly, and millions more indirectly. And it’s still almost entirely based on the internal combustion engine. There’s trouble ahead for Europe’s industrial giant.