This is an interesting development — a website funded by the Media Standards Trust which enables users to find out more about working British (er, and Irish) hacks. I’ve just run a search on myself (purely in the interests of research, you understand), and it comes up with the interesting factoid that I’ve written 59,700 words in 75 articles spread over 14 UK news websites since 2007. Not sure how accurate this is (and there is another John Naughton who writes about film and stag night videos for outfits like the Sunday Times and Radio Times so some of his stuff may be wrongly attributed to me — and vice versa). What is impressive, though, is that the site correctly identifies my most recent pieces. It also claims that I write more about Google than about anything else (with Microsoft a close second according to the tag cloud), which may well be true. But then those two companies are the biggest threat to our freedoms, so no apologies are called for.

En passant, Bobbie Johnson of the Guardian has just tweeted to say that is claiming he’s written 250,000 words in the same time. Ratebuster!