Joe Trippi bows out

Joe Trippi bows out

Joe Trippi, enraged by Howard Dean’s recruitment of a Washington insider as CEO of his campaign, has resigned. In his place I’d have done the same. Watch Dean go downhill from now on. Nice ironic comment from Larry Lessig:

“From today’s NYT: You’re going to see a leaner, meaner organization,’ Dr. Dean, who has asked his 500 staff members to skip their paychecks for two weeks, told reporters on an 8 p.m. conference call. ‘We had really geared up for what we thought was going to be a front runner’s campaign. It’s not going to be a front-runner’s campaign. It’s going to be a long war of attrition. What we need is decision making that’s centralized.’

Yes, centralized. Fire someone who built the most extraordinary grass-roots organization in history, and hire a Washington lobbyist in his stead. Now we’re making progress…”