Geeks and Hollywood: a puzzle
Browsing, as one does, the musings of the Geek community I am struck by a contradiction. On the one hand, the community is rightly hostile to the ‘content’ industries and their copyright thugs. On the other hand, community members seems obsessively interested in the products of these industries, particularly the movie business. I guess, for example, that there isn’t a self-respecting Geek in the world who has not already been to see the latest Lord of the Rings film. Loathing, as I do, Hollywood and everything it stands for, I find this odd. I contribute as little to its profits as I can (my children are the only conduit through which money trickles from me to Disney). I find our local Warner ‘Village’ entertainment complex physically repulsive, and boycott it because of what it stands for. Why doesn’t the Geek community do the same? Or am I missing something?