Ed Felten on the importance of open disclosure

Ed Felten on the importance of open disclosure

Ed commented on the bike-lock story. Now he’s been reflecting on the CBS ‘fake memos’ episode. His conclusions are the same as mine in the bike-lock saga. This is what he says:

“What’s true with CBS is true elsewhere in the security world. Disclosure teaches the public the truth about the situation at hand (in this case the memos), a benefit that shouldn’t be minimized. Even more important, disclosure deters future sloppiness — you can bet that CBS and others will be much more careful in the future. (You might think that the industry should police itself so that such deterrents aren’t necessary; but experience teaches otherwise.)

My sense is that it’s only the remote and mysterious nature, for most people, of cybersecurity that allows the anti-disclosure arguments to get traction. If people thought about most cybersecurity problems in the same way they think about the CBS memos, the cybersecurity disclosure argument would be much healthier.”