Karlin Lillington on the decay of CNN
CNN, once a groundbreaking news organisation in its ability to get under a story’s surface, seems to have become one of the worst for bombast and bias. Certainly on September 11 my family soon could not stand the insensitive, hype-packed coverage of that event as covered by CNN and switched to other networks, and it just seems to continue to disimprove, selling itself out to that dread creature, ‘infotainment’…: CNN transcript is cut a bit short. “On Friday the 14th of February CNN.com presented a “transcript” of Hans Blix’s presentation to the U.N. Security Council concerning the progress of weapons inspections in Iraq. Comparison with other transcripts, notably that presented by the BBC , reveals that a substantial section of the presentation was omitted in the CNN version. The missing text includes descriptions of important instances of Iraqi government cooperation and presents a relatively favourable picture of inspectors’ access to scientists.” [kuro5hin.org] [[ t e c h n o c u l t u r e ]]