Half of UK population online each day
Jun 24 2002: Silicon.com reports that almost half the UK population goes online on a daily basis.
According to a new study by the Royal Bank of Scotland, 63 percent of UK Internet users who use the Net from either work or home, go online to look for information.
Around 20 percent of people go online to send of receive emails, while 18 percent of the UK[base ‘]s Internet users use the Internet to shop, and seven percent for online banking.
While shopping online is increasingly common in the UK, men are much more likely to make a purchase online than women. Around 54 percent of UK males have shopped online, compared to 43 percent of women.
The study also indicates that UK Internet users are increasingly less concerned about security risks online. Just 26 percent of respondents claimed they didn[base ‘]t bank online because of security risks.
Those who expressed the biggest concern about online security were in the 45 to 64-age category.